Danielle and Timmy’s maternity photos! What a fun time this was! I never know what to expect when I’m meeting new clients for the first time, and it’s always a pleasant feeling when I leave the session thinking, “Oh, I liked them! They’re the kind of people I’d choose to be friends with!” We even discovered that we are the same age and got married around the same time, and Timmy grew up at the church I go to now – it’s such a small world!
Danielle decided on Top of the Hill, and I think they planned their outfits perfectly. 🙂 Luckily the wind held off for us, and it wasn’t even too cold. While I really loved ALL of the photos and had such a hard time narrowing it down for the sneak peek, I think my favorite photos are the ones of Timmy looking at Danielle as she holds onto her baby bump…pretty soon they’ll be holding a baby!
As we walked around taking photos, we chatted about baby brands, getting the nursery ready (when is it ever really finished, right?!), and the joys and hardships of pregnancy. It was so fun to hear about how they told their families they were expecting an April 1st baby boy, and of course since he’ll be the first grandson, everyone is VERY excited.
Danielle and Timmy, thanks for such a nice evening together and for trusting me with your maternity photos! You guys will be wonderful parents in just a few short weeks!