Another photo session for Rachel and Danny! This time including their newest addition, Hailey. 🙂 I won’t share too many details of what I know from her birth story – that’s for Rachel and Danny to do – but I will say it was a surprise to everyone when Hailey decided to make her debut WEEKS early, less than 48 hours after Rachel’s baby shower in July! Despite her unexpectedly early arrival, all is well and I had the privilege of capturing her first official photo session at two months old.
I love how Rachel and Danny interact with Hailey and make her smile. We only had a few fussy moments, and they were quickly remedied with some milk and affection. Hailey has the brightest blue eyes, lots of hair, and BABY ROLLS for days! Love it!
Rachel and Danny, thanks for trusting me once again to photograph your family! I can’t wait to watch Hailey grow up!

The last one may be my favorite baby expression. 😉