Around the House
On the first official day of shelter in place, it hailed. It looked like snow and I took tons of photos because if you’re going to be stuck inside at least it’s hailing outside. Then these super fragrant flowers popped up in our wine barrels and we had NO idea what they were. Thanks to a friend posting a similar photo on Facebook, I found out that they are freesias! Alex has been spending a lot of time in the garden while we’re stuck here.

Each of our workstations. Alex in the kitchen, me and kitty in the office:

And A brief portrait of what life is like now. Empty shelves, Zoom calls, sweatshirts and leggings.

We’ve gotten a lot of home improvement done over the last four weeks! This kitchen wall has been in my dreams since we bought the house:

Hiking in Morgan Territory
On the second weekend of shelter in place, we went hiking in the Morgan Territory Preserve. We showed up at 9am, and by the time we had finished hiking four hours later, the parking lot was packed. Apparently everyone else had the same idea.

For the Church
This was a fun project that I got to work on for Cedar Grove. They needed some photos for their website that were NOT of people shaking hands and being friendly in person – that’s not really appropriate for today. 😉 I’ve never done branding or product photography, but I had a lot of fun finding things around the house to use in the background of these photos, and figuring out some creative angles to use for showing the screens and leaving Alex and I anonymous.

In Conclusion
Well, overall it’s not the worst thing that could’ve happened…and it’s been better than I expected. I recently realized that I’m more extroverted than I thought, and I was dreading all this staying at home…alone… 🙁 But when Alex got sent home from work, we got to spend a lot more time together. This is the most time we’ve EVER been together consecutively, and I’m not sick of him yet! We’ve been passing time either together, or zooming with friends, or going on walks or to the grocery store as needed 6 feet away from others. Rue loves me even more now and I’m not upset about it. 😉