Meet my good friend Kimberly and my new friend Travis! Their engagement photos at Dublin Heritage Park are quite possibly some of my favorite ones to date. Kimberly and Travis started dating at the beginning of the pandemic (not ideal, but they got to know each other really well with lots of Zoom calls!) and got engaged on Christmas Eve 2020. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, their holiday plans got canceled and Travis decided that he would make the most of it and create some beautiful memories anyway!
Kimberly and I became friends in early 2016 when she moved to the Bay Area and started attending the church that I grew up at. She is kind and loving, athletic and driven (who else runs a marathon on her own after the race gets canceled due to COVID?!), and she often randomly breaks out into song. If I were to use her phrase, “what a gem!” I have a lot of favorite things about her, but one of them is her sense of humor – it catches me off guard quite often! I think it definitely shows in some of these photos, and I’m so happy that she found someone who takes part in her laughter. 🙂 And speaking of Travis – I don’t know him quite as well (yet), but from the brief time we spent together at dinner and at this engagement session, I can tell he’s a great guy. He and Kimberly complement each other well, and I can see how they treasure and care for each other. And on top of that, they truly enjoy the other’s company.
I was so excited to finally take these photos (because I love Kimberly, if you couldn’t tell!), and equally excited that they chose Dublin Heritage Park for their engagement session. I have been waiting and waiting to do a session here, because I could see its wonderful potential! The old barn is really neat, there are lots of flowers and foliage, and it’s not too far from Livermore.
Travis and Kimberly, thanks for hanging out with me and taking such BEAUTIFUL photos! I have so many favorites because you look so good in all of them. I don’t think it’s exaggeration to say that you guys have the perfect smiles. 🙂 I know California isn’t your forever home, but I’m grateful for the short amount of time we still have for hanging out here! I can’t wait for the wedding! <3
Dublin Heritage Park Engagement Photos

If this isn’t #relationshipgoals, I don’t know what is! (Do people still use that hashtag??)

This one is a contender for favorite of the night…